Keywords Starting With the Letter

11.45-12.75ghz antenna diplexer

12.25-12.75ghz antenna diplexer

128 in 1 Combiner

14-14.5ghz antenna diplexer

17.70-21.2ghz antenna diplexer

180° phase shifter

180º phase shifter

27.5-31ghz antenna diplexer

29.4-31.0ghz antenna diplexer

3.40-4.20ghz antenna diplexer

3.40-4.80ghz antenna diplexer

4 channel diplexer

4 port circular polarization diplexer

4 port linear polarization

4 port linear polarization diplexer

4 port polarization diplexer

4 way rf dividers

4.50-4.80ghz antenna diplexer

5.725-7.25ghz antenna diplexer

5.85-6.725ghz antenna diplexer

5.85-7.025ghz antenna diplexer

5psig diplexer

7 channel diplexer

8 way rf dividers

adjustable phase shifter

antenna feed components

antenna feed rotary joint

antenna feed system

bandpass filter

c band 4 port circular polarization diplexer

c band 4 port linear polarization diplexer

c band 4 port polarization diplexer

c band circular polarization diplexer

c band linear polarization component

c band linear polarization components

c120 circular waveguide load

circular polarizability

circular polarization

circular polarization diplexer

circular polarizer

circular waveguide

circular waveguide load

circular waveguide phase shifter

circularly polarized wave

coaxial connector

coaxial phase shifter

coaxial waveguide converter

communication in-motion system

communication on the move

compact size multiband system

connecting waveguides

cross polarization

customized diplexer

directional couplers

extend c 4 port circular polarization diplexer

extend c band 4 port circular polarization diplexer

extend c band 4 port linear polarization diplexer

extend c band 4 port linear polarization diplexer

extend c band linear polarization diplexer

extend linear polarization diplexer

filter for satellite

gain slope 0.1db max diplexer

great vswr

high altitude filter

high crosspol polarization diplexer

high orthogonal isolation feed diplexer

high power capacity diplexer

high power capacity filter

high power diplexer

high rejection filter

high-power matching load

horizontal components


insertion loss filter

invar diplexer


isolation 35db

isolation 35db omt

isolation 40db omt

isolation 85db

isolation 90db

k band 180° phase shifter

k band 4 channel diplexer

k band 4 port circular polarization diplexer

k band bandpass filter

k band circular polarization component

k band circular polarizer

k band diplexer

k band filter

k band omt

k band phase shifter

k band polarizer

k bandpass filter

k ka band omt

k/ka 4 port circular polarization diplexer

k/ka 4 port circular polarization diplexer

k/ka band circular polarization component

k/ka band circular polarizer

k/ka band phase shifter

Ka Band 2 Port Circular Polarized

ka band 4 port circular polarization diplexer

ka band 7 channel diplexer

ka band bandpass filter

ka band circular polarization component

ka band circular polarizer

ka band diplexer

ka band filter

ka band omt

ka bandpass filter

ka-band 7 channels waveguide diplexer

ku band 180° phase shifter

ku band 180°polarizer

ku band 4 port linear polarization diplexer

ku band absorptive omt

ku band adjustable phase shifter

ku band circular polarizer

ku band diplexer

ku band dividers

ku band diplexer

ku band filter

ku band i type circular waveguide polarization tracking rotary joint

ku band inphase omt

ku band l type waveguide rotary joint

ku band linear polarization diplexer

ku band microwave inphase omt

ku band omt

ku band phase shifter

ku band polarizer

ku band rotary joint

ku band satcom diplexer

ku band satellite communication 4 in 1 dividers

ku band satellite communication 8 in 1 dividers

ku band satellite communication band pass filter

ku band satellite communication diplexer

ku band satellite communication dividers

ku band satellite communication diplexer

ku band sma rotary joint

ku band u type waveguide rotary joint

ku band u/sma type waveguide rotary joint

ku band waveguide

ku band waveguide omt

ku band waveguide rotary joint

ku band waveguide rotary joint i

ku band waveguide rotary joint ii

ku band wr75 waveguide rotary joint

ku linear polarization

ku omt

ku orthogonal mode isolation

ku/k/ka multi band antenna feed compoents

ku/k/ka multi band antenna feed subsystem

ku/k/ka multi band antenna feed system

ku/k/ka multi band compact feed compoents

lhcp feed

linear circular polarized

linear polarization

linear polarization diplexer


low axial ratio feed diplexer

low frequency drift

low insertion loss converter

low insertion loss rotary joint

low phase difference components

low phase fluctuation

low vswr

low-pass filter

magic t

microwave components

microwave inphase omt

microwave omt

microwave passive components

multi band orthogonal mode components



orthogonal mode coupler

orthogonal mode isolation

orthogonal mode phase difference

phase coherence

phase fluctuation

phase shifter

polarization tracking phase shifter

polarization tracking rotary joint


polarizer phase shifter


power divider or splitters

power dividers


RF antenna feed components

RF Coaxial waveguide converter

rf diplexer

RF diplexer or multiplexer

RF Filter

RF load

rf multiplexer


RF phase shifter

rf power dividers

RF power dividers or splitters

RF rotary joint

rf signal combiner

rf splitters

rhcp feed

rotary joint

satcom diplexer

satellite communication diplexer

satellite communication dividers

satellite communication diplexer

satellite communication filter

satellite communication phase shifter

satellite diplexer

satellite diplexer

sealed filter

sealed to 2.0 psig

septum polarizer

sma converter

sma rotary joint

sotm system

stable waveguide rotary joint

tracking rotary joint

vertical Feed

vertical polarization components


vswr 1.05 load

wavegudide diplexer

wavegudide filter


waveguide converter

waveguide diplexer

waveguide load

waveguide omt

waveguide phase shifter

waveguide polarization tracking

waveguide rotary joint

waveguide satcom diplexer

wide band feed system

wide bandwidth diplexer

without tuning screws

wr28 load

wr28 omt

wr28 waveguide load

wr34 filter

wr42 filter

wr42 load

wr42 omt

wr51 coaxial waveguide

wr51 coaxial waveguide converter

wr75 coaxial waveguide converter

wr75 filter

wr75 load

wr75 omt

wr75 rotary joint

x band filter

x band high altitude waveguide bandpass filter

x band waveguide filter



Tel: +86-135-5881-1550
Add: 9th Floor, Building 1, Liandong U Valley, 118 Hangtian Road. Chengdu. China
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